Wednesday, March 18, 2009

About our food and HR 875 - Act Now!

"If you control oil, you control nations.  
If you control food, you control people." 
                          -Henry Kissinger  

So what's up with House Resolution 875?...

...Here is the full text of the bill.  

(The full text of this post is coming back soon.  After I check out the info presented.)  

Love and Peace, 

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how much misleading and untrue info I just passed to you in the HR 875 post. Looks like a lot of the info on the internet about Monsanto's connection to HR 875 is untrue. And that Rep Rosa DeLauro's husband does not work for Monsanto.

    There is no language in HR 875 that would regulate, penalize, or shut down backyard gardens or ‘criminalize’ gardeners; the bill focuses on ensuring the safety of food in interstate commerce.

    Here's a link to a story about it:

    So I'm passionate about the food I eat.

