No big deal, right? We've all seen airplanes leaving these cloud stripes across the sky for like at least the last 10 years or so, right?
Then we saw an airplane spraying another stripe across the sky.
The plane kept fogging the sky until he almost came into contact with the previous chemtrail and he suddenly and abruptly turned off his foggers.
Then, shortly after the plane passed through the original chemtrail the foggers went back on at low force and they left a short thin tail behind the plane in the evening sky.
No, they are NOT contrails... A contrail cannot be turned on and off like what you see happening here. These are chemicals and heavy metals that are being sprayed into the air we breathe. You can watch as the airplane personnel turns the fogger off just before crossing through the existing chemtrail.
Is this something you want in the air you breathe? I don't even know for sure what it is. Researchers have found that areas regularly being sprayed are higher in Barium, Aluminum, and other heavy metals. Heavy metals, Barium, and aluminum are heavier than our air and, therefore would fall from the air. So it is no surprise that researchers have found higher occurrence of respiratory ailments, skin ailments, cancer and birth defects in these highly sprayed areas.
People who have checked with the FAA to try and identify these flights have found that no FAA record exists. So these are clearly military flights. When asked about the flights, the military claims they do not exist and that nothing of the sort is going on. So we can assume these are covert military flights.
So what are they doing. They are clearly doing something. We've all seen it in the sky. Across the US and in other parts of the world. Is it for population control? Weather manipulation? It has been said that perhaps they are conditioning us so we are used to seeing this scene in the sky. Then, whenever they want, they can spray anything they want on an unquestioning public. Either way, I don't think I want them spraying it on me. What do you think?
Here are a few videos I found on Youtube about chemtrails:
And here is the chemtrails petition.
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